The DiamondClean Difference | Philips Sonicare

philips sonicare diamondclean toothbrush

This post is sponsored by Philips Sonicare.

As far as personal grooming routines go, there isn’t a more important step than brushing your teeth. Whether I’m networking at events, running to meetings around town or shooting a new campaign, a clean, bright smile is key. When I first made the switch from a manual toothbrush to the DiamondClean almost two years ago the difference was immediately clear. Within the first week I noticed a cleaner, whiter smile and I still use the DiamondClean every day no matter if I’m at home or traveling abroad. Below are my five favorite features of the DiamondClean toothbrush and a few tips for getting the most out of it when you have your own.



To understand the benefits of switching from a manual toothbrush to the DiamondClean all you have to do is look at the statistics. One minute of sonic brushing gives you the same amount of brush movements as 1 month of manual brushing. Compared to a manual toothbrush DiamondClean gives you up to 10x more plaque removal and 2x times whiter teeth in just one week. But more important than the numbers story is how the DiamondClean makes your mouth feel. After my first time using the toothbrush I felt like I had just gotten a professional cleaning at the dentist, and I haven’t looked back since.

philips sonicare diamondclean toothbrush

Charging the DiamondClean at home is made simple and stylish thanks to the wireless charging glass. Just set the toothbrush in the glass and you’re good to go. You can also use it as a rinsing glass between brushes. Boasting a strong battery life, the DiamondClean lasts up to two weeks without a charge.

philips sonicare diamondclean toothbrush

The DiamondClean offers a variety of brushing modes; Clean mode – for exceptional daily cleaning, Gum Care – to gently massage gums, Deep Clean – for an invigorating deep clean, Sensitive – for gentle yet effective cleaning of sensitive gums, and White – the ideal mode to remove surface stains. No matter your dental hygiene goals, the DiamondClean has you covered.

philips sonicare diamondclean toothbrush
philips sonicare diamondclean toothbrush

For those who are always on the road like me, the DiamondClean travel case is an essential travel companion. Keeping your toothbrush clean and compact, the case doubles as a USB charger that easily connects to your laptop to keep your DiamondClean charged no matter where your travels take you. See the case in action below.

philips sonicare diamondclean toothbrush
philips sonicare diamondclean toothbrush

While dentists recommend two minutes as the magic brushing number to reduce plaque build up, most people only brush their teeth for about a minute. The DiamondClean’s QuadPacer keeps you on track and will count down your two minutes of brushing in 30 second intervals to make sure each quadrant of your mouth is evenly cleaned.

philips sonicare diamondclean toothbrush
philips sonicare diamondclean toothbrush
philips sonicare diamondclean toothbrush